Saturday, November 13, 2010


What a joke. True story is... it's all a joke. You want to see a different attitude from me and the crap that I write on here? Well, get ready, because the attitude that I have had in the past few months is bullshit. It's over. Life is what you make it. Forget the rules and the guidelines. Forget the fake. Forget the bullshit. You do what you have to do and you do it because you want to do it. I don't disagree with anything I have said in my past blogs, but I do disagree with my past approach. Most people are a joke. You take care of yourself and you do what you need to benefit yourself. As a member of a hockey team you have a job, and part of your job is being held accountable and helping out the team. I feel like I lost that emotion for the team this season because I have been so caught up in a lot of mindless bullshit. It's over. I'm getting past it. You can't change what has happened to you in the past, but you can affect what direction you're headed in the future. Time to sack up and move on.

1 comment:

  1. So I did it.
    I read your blog.
    Looks like to get rid of this stress I will need to hold you captive more often!
