Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Karing 4 Keegan

This is my little buddy, Keegan Chupp. Keegan is battling some unimaginable health issues, and is very much in need of our help. He was born six-weeks premature, due to his mother's pre-eclampsia, and was hospitalized in the NICU for two-weeks after his birth. Upon his arrival into this world, it was discovered that Keegan had two extra digits, one on each hand, and one extra toe. He was also found to have suffered a stroke in utero, and to have an overgrowth syndrome referred to as "Simpson-Golobi-Behmel Syndrome."

At eight-months old, Keegan still continued to battle serious health issues and challenges. He had a tumor removed from his brain, and battled through six-months of hospitalization while being administered chemo-therapy. The doctor's gave him only a fifty-percent chance of survival. His mother, Beth Chupp, lost her job on Keegan's first day of chemo-therapy. Even still, Keegan and his family continued to battle, and eventually the tumor appeared to dissipate.

Most recently, as of late July, another tumor was discovered on Keegan's brain. Initially it was feared to be the same tumor. Thankfully (if that is even a word that can be used regarding the situation), it turned out to be a new tumor, thus not a recurring version of the original, which is vital.

At the moment, Keegan has completed his fourth-round of chemo-therapy, and is happily living with his family in Evansville, Indiana. They have all been through so much together, and their journey will continue forward each day until they accomplish their team goal of defeating this difficult opponent.

In closing, I ask that all of my friends, family, and blog followers take their time to say a prayer for Keegan and his family. If you wish to make a donation then please visit their website,, and find it in your hearts to give generously.


  1. Prayers have been offered up for Keegan and his family. May God's will be done.

  2. Amazing. These are the kind of babies I have been dedicating my life/career to for the past 3 years. What a little fighter! Keegan and his family will be in my prayers!

    xo jenna gadbois

  3. Keegan and his family are in my thoughts and prayers!
